If you have ever read
If You Give a Mouse A Cookie, you will completely understand this post. If you haven't, you need to order it from your library or Amazon to really get it. I ordered my tent from Target this week. It was not that the tent was only available online. I could have went to an actual store and got the tent. Target was offering Free Shipping. I decided to take up the offer. My reason is sorta similar to the Mouse Book. For example, he'll certainly need a glass of milk to wash down that cookie, won't he? And you can't expect him to drink the milk without a straw, can you? The book goes on and on this way. Here is my reasoning... If I go to Target to buy a tent, then I will certainly need to look in the dollar section at Target spending $20 - $1 at a time. Then I will need to look at the clearance at Target. Even if I don't need a thing, I will find something that is a good deal that I just can't pass by. Then there is Salsarita's right by Target or Five Guys. I will have to have lunch and not just me - me and the kids. Then since gas costs so darn much, I will need to justify the trip and stop at Kohls since it is close by. I will need to look at all the cute kid clothes and pretty wall hangings. Buying at least 2 of something before I leave. Of course, Lowes is right next to Kohls. I will need to stop in and get one of those house things we can't live without. Then Publix is right there too, maybe I should stop in and stock up on 22 jars of Ragu since it is on sale. Seriously, this is how my brain thinks. I am trying really hard to conserve gas. I am realizing I have so much "stuff" in my new house that I haven't even put away or unpacked, that there really is no good reason to be shopping for anything. I have found if I stick close to home, my budget is pretty good. Having said all of that... my friend from Illinois is coming to visit (I think) and I just want to go to Home Depot and buy paint, then to Walmart to buy curtains, etc. Oh no, I am becoming a MOUSE WITH A COOKIE!
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