We got back late Tuesday night. We had a good trip with just a few bumps in the road. Overall, we got done what we wanted to get done. Not everything though. I ended up sick on Saturday night and all day on Sunday. Let's just say - me and my new master bath toilet had a face to face introduction. Hope that is the last I have of that in my new house! Tim kept on working and the kitchen is in - just needs the doors put on a few of the finishing touches. They measured for the counter tops and they should be installed in about 3 weeks. I got a few things off of my list too. I got Timmy's floor painted, but it still needs one more coat. I got Savannah's wallpaper border up. I got all the switch and outlet plates replaced. I also got the floors cleaned upstairs and downstairs. I didn't get to sanding the steps like I wanted to do. I guess it will be there when I get to it. Even with puking my guts out and feeling awful for a good part of the long weekend, I had a great time. Tim and I got to talk like crazy without any kids chiming in. That was a great break. Now we are back and it has been busy here too. I still felt sorta sick on Wednesday on and off. I had to go to Sam's and restock. That took a huge amount of time. Then there was laundry and a house showing. Today I need to cut the grass and tackle catching up on some school. We have another house showing on Sunday at 11am. These people came by yesterday and called. I wasn't quite ready to have them in at the moment. Something about play dough all over the floor and laundry waiting to be put away. I gave them my house website and the man gave me his wife's cell number to set up a time to come back. I called and talked with her for a short while last night. She said they were "definitely interested". Her husband works all the time, but they could come by on Sunday morning. Her husband did say they were working on getting a loan approval and he wasn't sure what the amount would be yet though. I guess we will see. That sure would be nice. Keep praying.

This is how our cabinets looked when we arrived. Yes, you actually have to put them together. We knew this. These are the same cabinets we have in our current kitchen. Mills Pride from Home Depot. They still carry them, but some of the stores don't have a display. You save a lot of money putting them together and they are really great quality with a lifetime warranty.

Tim is putting together my corner cabinet. No, they are not real wood all the way through, but they have held up so well during the last 8 years that we decided to stick with them.

You have to use your imagination to see it finished with doors and counter top. I really wanted to get all the doors and drawers on, but we just didn't get to it. Plus we forgot to buy handles! Oops!

Tim set all the matching doors in each cabinet. We were missing one door for under the sink. It is on order!

This is my bonus set of cabinets that wasn't in the original kitchen. I think this it going to be my favorite part of my kitchen. It will have a nice open space to either work on or set a buffet out on.

These are the boxes when we were finished! This is also where I want to set my Christmas tree!

Ignore that ugly red color on the wall. I promise we will change it. It is on the list. I just did some cleaning up in here and washed the floor. At least if we come back with a moving truck, we can put furniture in here.

Timmy's room with painted floor. It still needs another coat and I got some on the trim. Otherwise it looks pretty good. For the record, HE WANTED PAINT. We offered carpet. I think he will probably opt to get a throw rug at some point. He says he wants to skate board in his room. I don't want to think about that right now.
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