I have been busy doing mommy stuff. Nothing hugely interesting. Savannah and I caught up on some of our Winter Promise yesterday. We are done with co-op till after the New Year (if we are still here). I also took some time to do things like clean the oven. It was extremely exciting, let me tell you. On Friday, I did a marathon shopping trip. I left at 11am and did not return until 4:30pm. Generally, I shop at Sam's Club one week and then Super Walmart or Super Target the next. I needed things from both places and it couldn't really wait for another week. Also, since gas prices are up to $3.07 here, it is making more and more sense to combine outings. I went to Super Walmart, then to Sam's (had lunch there too), then a quick stop at Albertson's for a great bargain on a turkey! Did I mention that grocery shopping may be the most exhausting thing I do? I don't know why it zaps me, but it does! I think it is more grocery shopping with my children than just grocery shopping in general. I put them in those carts they can ride in. Then I add things like 6 cases of soda, 6 gallons of milk, a case of water... by the time I am done - I have no idea how much weight that is. So, I made a huge list. A detailed list at that. It listed all the things I needed and 24 meal ideas. My goal was to spend no more than $250. I am happy to say I met my goal and even paid for lunch at Sam's Club with that. I will need to go back to Sam's for some milk and probably some other item that will run out before 24 days is up and I still need to hit the veggie stand for a few fresh veggies. My thought is that is I stay OUT of Walmart or Target, I will not be tempted to buy stuff. I have enough prep cooking to keep me busy all week and Savannah and I have a Christmas gift to make that we haven't even started. There is NO REASON to be out shopping and spending money on stuff and gas. Don't I sound like I am convincing myself? I am! When I am stressed, I really enjoy a day of shopping (and chocolate). Thankfully, Tim II and his friend were home when I arrived with all of my shopping items in tow! I really, really did not want to carry it all in myself. Then I was left with find a place for all of it and being somewhat organized. Luckily, my sister in law, Jessica, called. I seem to focus better on getting tasks done if I am chatting on the phone. An odd quirk I have. Before I knew it, it was all put away and my fridge, freezer and pantry were full! I love that feeling. My mom always did too. Silly, huh? When life is throwing me around left and right, somehow knowing I have great stuff to make for my family, just helps me relax a bit. Anyway, I have some pictures to share from last week. I will try to get them up this afternoon.
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