I am in Virginia for my niece, Tabi's, wedding. We have a little time to kill before we head on over to the church. I wish I had a picture of Tabi on my computer, but I don't think I do at the moment. Anyway, we are staying at an Econo Lodge. It is not the greatest hotel I have ever stayed in by any means. The carpet seriously needs to be replaced, but on the whole it is clean enough and good enough. Why am I telling you about the Econo Lodge? Here is the thing... when I planned our trip to Williamsburg in the fall of 2006 - I was looking at a Choice Hotel for that trip. While I was booking the hotel, something popped up and asked if I wanted to get a Choice Hotel Visa. It offered me two free nights with the deal. The Visa was linked to my personal bank which made it perfect for me. This made it so I could see our balance every time I checked our online banking. It made it really convenient to pay off our card weekly. We use our VISA for everything - seriously - everything we can. We also pay it off in full about once a week. I never could get to the point of using a Visa for everything if I had to keep the receipts to know how much money to put aside to pay the total when the bill came. I can use Visa for everything if I can check the balance every few days and take it right out of my checking account. The thing with this Visa is that you get points. I know you are saying that your visa has points too. Most do. Frequent flier miles, etc. The thing is that I have found you need a lot of points for airfare, etc. With this one I earn hotel nights. Well, technically, you can use it for other stuff, but hotel nights are the most generous thing they offer - I believe. Since signing up with them - we have not had to pay for a single hotel night anywhere. Last week, when Savannah and I were in Florida - yep - three nights at a Quality Inn were free. This weekend we have two rooms for two nights - FREE! I am still ever the frugal lady though. I generally try to stick to 6000 or 8000 point hotel rooms. They have all been fine. I would say this Econo Lodge teeters on the "fine" category. My family insists it is okay and I love them for their good attitudes. I love knowing that we have about 8-10 free nights just waiting for us to use whenever we can get away. If you want to know more about Choice Hotels Visa - just go to their website - HERE! Okay, I need to get my family ready for the most lovely wedding to take place this year. Yes, there will be pictures - I promise!
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