Last week, Tim found a puppy while he was test driving a car in our neighborhood. Yes, it is a perk that he lives so close to home! Anyway, first he took the puppy to our friend, Laurie. He didn't want to bring it to me because he was afraid the kids might want it, etc. Laurie took one look at that puppy and said that if it came in her house - she would have to keep it. So, he brought it home to me. I like puppies. I would not say I love puppies or dogs or really any pet. We brought the puppy in and showed it to Savannah. She was in love instantly. Here is the background on puppy issues in our household. Tim has always wanted a Weimaraner - a gray one to be specific. I have told the kids I just don't want dogs. I love our dog Woofie. She really is a sweet dog, but she sheds a lot and just adds work to my schedule. Savannah still wanted a puppy at some point. I told her if we were getting another dog - it would be a Weimaraner. I didn't want to hear Tim say how he always wanted that kind of dog and never got it. Well, a couple of weeks ago, Savannah saw a fluffy puppy at the pet store. She came home to tell me about it. I didn't see it, so it was pretty easy to stay strong. Okay, fast forward to this adorable little puppy in our house. I didn't think much of her the whole morning she was here. The kids were hovering over her. In the afternoon, the kids went off to other things. This little puppy came and snuggled against my feet. She was so calm. I thought it was because she was tired from her morning out. After a long nap, she was still really calm. I called Tim around 4:30 and told him I LOVED this puppy and had to keep it. Now, I know, I know... wasn't I the one that said the next dog would be a Weimaraner pup? I know! Trust me! I know! We had to borrow a cage from Keith because my mom has our cage for her puppies. While Tim was getting the cage from next door, a neighbor saw the puppy. He knew where it belonged. We knew this was a possibility and we had told Savannah if we found the owner - we would have to give it back. Oh, the tears. I actually wasn't there. I was at Walmart. Tim called me. My heart sank. I literally wanted to leave my cart and go home. I couldn't believe how attached to the puppy I was. I thought about that puppy all week. It was nuts. We decided to get Savannah a small puppy. She wants a "lap dog". The thing is that even mixed breeds are really expensive for lap dogs. I mean they are nuts! We looked around over the weekend, but we didn't find anything. Well, we found lots of cute puppies, but the cost is just too much for us right now. We are on the list at the animal shelter. That brings us to yesterday. Savannah put Woofie out back. When she went to let her in - who was waiting for her? The puppy and she had brought her momma dog with her! It was so funny. They had tags with their address and phone number this time. I was proud of my girl. She got the leash and walked them over. Oh, what a cute face this puppy has though. I can't stop thinking of it.
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