This is me! I really dressed up as a garbage bag! It was one of my favorite costumes because nobody else was dressed like me.

I am the baby and my best friend, Tricia, was Papa Smurf.
I thought it was cool that I got to take a baby bottle full of orange juice to school.

I think Tricia was trying to be a baby this time around and I was the Bride of Frankenstein. Another one of my favorites. The cabbage patch kid is Tricia's little sister, Kristi.
I woke up this morning intending to start posting a trip report of our travels. Well... my mom being the Facebook savvy grandma that she is... posted old halloween pictures on there. I decided I have not been sharing with my blogworld as much because I have been on Facebook. These pictures are so fun! I am so glad she took some pictures. You know back then we didn't always snap pictures the way we do now. Some days I take 10 pictures a day and other days I take 100 pictures. It just depends. I, seriously, have a specific pocket in my purse that my camera stays in all the time. My mom would have laughed at the thought of carrying a camera with her all the time when I was growing up. So, today is Halloween. I am being a mean and witchy mom who will require school to get done before the fun can begin. Much to Savannah's horrors!!! We will then be carving pumpkins. Last year, Sebastian was NOT into the whole pumpkin carving thing. I don't know how this year will go. I was thinking that we need to make pizza bread for dinner because that is what my mom always made on a lot of Halloweens. Of course, hot dogs would be much quicker! Did I mention that I love Halloween? There has not been a year that I have not gone trick-or-treating. I went every year as a child and even when I was pregnant with Timmy. Then I had kids and have gone every year since then. I think Sebastian is finally excited about it this year. It has taken him awhile to find it fun. When we were kids it was always cold and sometimes rainy. We still plugged along to house after house until our toes were numb. My kids are going to find it cold this year compared to Florida, but they will survive. Anyway, I wish you a fun day and evening of a time to be just a little more silly! Happy Halloween!
1 comment:
I love old Hallowe'en photos they are cool. That garbage bag costume is very clever!
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