I will admit that one of my favorite things to do is watch American Idol. Especially since the "writer's strike". There isn't a whole lot else to watch. I have been watching AI since the second season. I think this is the best talent season. There are a few that I really enjoy, but for some reason Jason Castro is the one I like the best. He actually wasn't the best performance this past week, but I loved the week before - the video below. I also like Brooke and David Cook. So, a few weeks back I was commenting on Jason Castro's blue eyes. I kept thinking he looked like somebody. My mom comes up with that he looks like John Travolta. YES! That was it! Since then, others have written the same thing. Somebody compared these to videos. Jason definitely has the same quirky face that John Travolta. Maybe I love his performance because I literally watched Grease a hundred time when I was a kid. I memorized every word to every song. I have to say Jason Castro sings WAY BETTER than John Travolta!
I have never posted on a random person's blog. However, after weeks of thinking Jason Castro looks and sounds like Travolta, I decided to look online to see if I was crazy. Glad to see that others are in the same boat! He may not win but he's my favorite
absolutely, my girlfriend and i noticed it from the start.
jason travolta...
here is more evidence that Jason Castro does indeed look like John Travolta
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