It seems as if we have obtained a YARD here in South Carolina. For some that may not seem like such a big thing. If you have lived in Florida for the last 17 years with about 10 feet of distance between the pool and fence, then an acre of land seems huge. One of the things Tim loves is gardening. He is pretty good at it too. I, on the other hand, seem to lack a green thumb. I did try gardening once or twice. I hope to find some pictures of that adventure and maybe I will post about them later this week. I said maybe. Even before we moved, Tim was talking about gardening. Then when we got here, he really started talking and planning a garden. He got quite a few gardening things for his birthday. Somehow a small garden got huge. Then, somehow, I got really excited about it. We planted seeds and watched them grow. I think I went back to childhood because I was like a kid checking to see if anything had sprouted a few times each day. Tim removed a bunch of trees to clear an area for the garden. Last night we started preparing it for the seeds. We actually planted a few of the seedlings too. I can't believe how excited I am about this! It really was a ton of work for Tim with taking out the trees, but he keeps saying that it was a one time thing. I don't think the vegetable garden will save us much money this year because of the start up, but again Tim keeps telling me that is pretty much a one time thing. So... we are officially gardeners. When Savannah was planting the seedlings last night, she said she felt like a pioneer! Silly girl! I am hoping, if all goes well, that I can post pictures as our garden grows. We are planting watermelons, pumpkins, tomatoes (2 kinds), cucumbers, cauliflower, radishes, onions, beans (2 kinds), carrots, parsnips, peppers, sunflowers, and a whole bunch of different kinds of corn. I have no idea what will grow well, except that I remember seeing corn in somebody's yard this past summer. Oh, he also got me concord grape plants! If you click here
concord grapes, you can read about why and how much I love concord grapes. I am so excited to have some in my own yard.

The planting process begins.

Okay, so our bathroom was our green house. Seriously, we have a large sunny window in our bathroom and it is enough out of the way of everyone. I wanted to take a picture of the plants sprouted in there, but I forgot. Now they are either planted or on the back porch.

Tim's birthday stash (and my curling iron).
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